Huayong Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. , headquartered in Beijing, is a high-tech enterprise, which is committed to modern urban lighting services. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huayong Investment Group in the field of lighting technology. Based on core technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing, and with the lighting industry as the entry point, our company is comprehensively involved in infrastructure construction around the world, helping countries to save energy and reduce emissions and achieve environmental protection goals.

Lamps, lamp poles, intelligent control hardware and software platform of our company are all at the forefront of the industry. In addition, our company has independently developed a full-life cycle management service platform for smart city equipment with municipal street lamps as the carrier, comprehensively participated in the construction of urban municipal lighting, smart street lamps, municipal maintenance and other infrastructure projects around the world, and constantly developed the most suitable software system for urban municipal management to provide customers with the most professional, standard and reasonable municipal maintenance services.

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